Kazaň 2015: cestujeme domov (we are travelling home)
Here it is. Alarm-clock wakes us up at 5.15, we quickly get up, finish our packing and at exactly 6.00 the taxi is waiting for us. After saying goodbye at the reception desk we leave our temporary home, the hotel Armenia.
On our way to the airport we enjoy a concert of some band which the driver watches and listens to while driving This guy is a bit eccentric but he seems cool
We pay 600 RUB for the taxi which is fine and get off right before an airport terminal.
I like the Kazan’s airport. It’s smaller but nice and modern…
A je to tu, budíček o 5,15, rýchlo vstať, dobaliť kufre a presne o 6-tej už čakal dole taxík.
Rozlúčka na recepcii a my opúšťame náš dočasný domov, hotel Armenia.
Cestou na letisko si užívame koncert nejakej skupinky, ktorý šofér pozerá a počúva popri jazde Je to “dizajnovo” zvláštny týpek, ale pohoďák.
600 rubľov za taxík je ok a vystupujeme pred letiskovým terminálom.
Kazaňské letisko sa mi páči, je menšie, ale moderné a pekné.
At the airport there were swimmers from RSA waiting at the same gate. We didn’t see Cameron. I guess he wasn’t going home yet Otherwise it would be a great experience for Peter to meet him alive like this
The flight to Moscow passed without any problems. During flight I noticed that people were reading about swimming in newspapers. Those were newspapers from the day before with the article about Yefimova.
Na letisku pri rovnakom gate čakajú aj plavci z RSA. Camerona ale nevidíme, asi ešte domov nejde Inak to by mal Peťo iný zážitok stretnúť ho takto naživo
Let do Moskvy prebehol bez akýchkoľvek problémov a počas letu si všímam, že ľudia čítajú v novinách o plávaní. Boli to noviny z predchádzajúceho dňa a bol to článok o Jefimovej.
Another interesting thing is a horizontal escalator. You get on it and it takes you a bit further I already mentioned it in some other report that, in contrast to Kazan, I met mostly reluctant people without interest here which isn’t very pleasant.
Customs office was again a different story. I still don’t know if I really had to import and export my photographic equipment. But I wanted to avoid any possible problems because the price of the equipment is quite high. On our way to Kazan I made a deal with the customs officer. On our way back another custom officer had a big problem to certify my export. He finally did it after I came to him for the third time. I said that I really wanted to have it certified because I already have the import certified and one copy of that went to the board of customs. And in instructions from organizers this was a sheer warning. So, the customs officer handled it in about three seconds, he certified it with a seal and it was done
We were left with few rubles so I invested in bottles of water. Half a liter cost in the hotel 25 RUB, at the airport it cost 100 RUB from a vending machine or 120 from a shop. The time of our departure was slowly approaching and I could already see our plane waiting…
Zaujímavé sú tu horizontálne eskalátory, nasadnete naň a on Vás odvezie o kúsok ďalej Už som sa o tom zmienil v niektorom z predchádzajúcich príspevkov, oproti Kazani sa tu stretávam väčšinou s neochotnými ľuďmi bez záujmu, čo nie je moc príjemné.
Extra kapitolka bola opäť colnica. Neviem, či mi skutočne bolo treba prihlasovať na import a potom na export techniku, čo som mal na fotenie. Chcel som sa ale vyhnúť nejakým možným problémom, keďže jej hodnota bola dosť vysoká. Pri ceste do Kazane sme to nejako s colníkom zvládli. Na spiatočnej ceste mal ale colník neskutočný problém mi export potvrdiť. Urobil to až keď videl, že idem za ním tretíkrát a povedal som mu, že to potvrdené jednoducho mať chcem, lebo mám potvrdený import a viem, že jedna kópia išla niekde na colný úrad. A v pokynoch od organizátora MS bolo na toto výslovné upozornenie. A tak ma teda colník nakoniec asi za 3 sekundy vybavil, buchol mi na potvrdenie pečiatku a bolo hotové
Zostalo nám ešte zopár rubľov, a tak som investoval do fľaší s vodou. Pollitrovka na hoteli 25 rubľov, na letisku 100 v automate alebo 120 v obchode. Pomaly sa blíži čas odletu a už vidím, že lietadlo na nás čaká…
During the flight I occupied myself with the Aeroflot magazine. I found out that the maximal take of mass of our Airbus A321 was 89t, then I found out where Aeroflot flights and also how to get from Sheremetyevo to centre of Moscow. I might visit it some other time…
Počas letu sa zabávam študovaním časopisu od Aeroflotu s zisťujem, že náš Airbus A321 má maximalnu vzletovú hmotnosť 89t, zisťujem kde všade Aeroflot lieta a tiež to, ako sa dostať zo Sheremetjeva do centra Moskvy. Možno raz pôjdem pozrieť…
The weather was perfect and the clouds below us were creating beautiful images.
Je krásne počasie a oblaky pod nami vytvárajú krásne obrazy.
According to the navigation I was looking for the highway from Brno to Bratislava and it seems like I found it…
Podľa navigácie pozerám, či uvidím diaľnicu z Brna do Bratislavy a vyzerá to tak, že áno…
And how was our homecoming? At home there was already waiting our youngest world champion
A príchod domov?
Doma nás už čakal náš mladší majster sveta
Finally, I would like to thank for help to Viktor Sulc, www.pujcovnafototechniky.cz, from whom I lent the most important part of my photographic equipment. On the one hand, I want to thank him for his rental services so there is a place to borrow equipment like this for a reasonable price. On the other hand, I appreciate his training and very pleasant and helpful approach.
Next, I want to say thanks to Mato Vano who helped me with my equipment, too. He’s as much of a fan as I am and we sometimes compete with each other which is good for our improvement
The translation of these reports to English would be too much for me. Alzbeta Hyblova was waiting every day and promptly translating them for me. Thanks.
Last but not least I want to thank our swimming federation SPF, of course. They helped me with handling the formalities and I’m thankful that I could be under their patronage on the World Championships. And my thanks belong also to Miro Nowak who was patient with my curious questions
Thank you!
Well… this is the end of broadcasting from Kazan
Bolo to super a dúfam, že to nebola moja posledná akcia tohto druhu, uvidíme čo mi zase preskočí hlavičkou
Na záver sa chcem poďakovať za pomoc Viktorovi Šulcovi, www.pujcovnafototechniky.cz, od ktorého som mal požičanú najdôležitejšiu časť svojej fotovýbavičky. Jednak za to že svoju požičovňu vôbec má a je teda si kde aj takúto techniku za rozumný peniaz požičať. A tiež za zaškolenie a veľmi príjemný a ústretový prístup.
Ďalej Maťovi Vaňovi, ktorý ma s technikou dovybavil taktiež. Je to podobný fanda ako ja a tak nejako sa navzájom dopĺňame a občas aj jeden druhého predbiehame , čo je pre naše zlepšovanie moc fajn.
Preklad týchto mojich článočkov do angličtiny by som nedal. Každý deň na ne čakala a promptne ich prekladala Alžbetka Hýblová. Ďakujem.
No a nakoniec samozrejme vďaka aj našej plaveckej federácii SPF, ktorá mi pomohla s vybavovačkami a pod ktorej hlavičkou som aj na MS bol. A tiež Mirovi Nowakovi sa trpezlivosť s mojimi všetečnými otázkami
No a…
… koniec vysielania z Kazane
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